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Professional Development

Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of our own emotions and those of others at the moment and to use that information to manage ourselves and manage our relationships.  It’s the single best predictor of performance in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence. Understanding and improving emotional intelligence can increase your sense of personal fulfillment and professional accomplishments.

Creating and Leading High-Performing Teams

This three-hour two-part series is designed to support managers and supervisors in becoming more effective and influential in leading individuals and groups. This experiential workshop is designed to create a safe environment for the participants to practice and receive coaching on varying Leadership Styles to match the situation.

Situational Leadership is rooted in choosing the right leadership style for the right person. Gaining clarity and insights on this flexible leadership model can help you understand when to change your management style and which leadership strategy fits each new work situation.

Building Your Personal Image & Professional Brand

Effectively leading others is a matter of influence – and developing this critical capacity requires leaders to continually invest time and energy into reconsidering and recalibrating how they are present with, and perceived by, others. This requires leaders to take charge of their brands –representing the totality of what they contribute to the growth of their direct reports, teams, and organizations.

A professional brand is what you are known for in your work environment (i.e. achievements, contributions, etc.). A personal and professional branding is essential for the advancement of your career and as a leader. This training program presents the opportunity to assess your image and see yourself as others see you. A lack of a clear and concise brand may leave you and your skill-set labeled as a commodity-easy to find/replace, which could detract from future internal career opportunities. Supercharge your career and be seen as an ideal choice for career advancement.

Courageous Conversations

Whenever you are not getting the results you are looking for, a courageous conversation is likely required to bring clarity and agreement in necessary conversations to get what you want for yourself, the other person, and the organization. Successful leadership allows for an open, authentic, and truthful dialogue to help to buildan atmosphere of trust and respect. Whether you are a team member, team lead, or supervisor understanding and strengthening your conversation skills will improve working relations.

Organizational Culture Training

In this training program, participants will learn about Cultural Quotient or Cultural Intelligence and Cultural & Empathy Awareness to determine the effects of their personal biases. We’ll explore how Cultural and Emotional Intelligence can help your employees understand themselves, others, and the organizational culture so that they’ll be more effective in their daily interactions and high-pressured situations.

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